1. Comet Gochihr
Zoroaster, an ancient Iranian prophet, said that the Earth’s extinction will occur when a comet named Gochihr strikes our planet at some point in the future.
For cruel people, this molten river will be a punishment for them to suffer.
Even in the book of Revelation, there is a reference to something like a great mountain thrown down to the Earth, and it all caught fire.
2. Doomsday meter
Rabbi Eliyahu of Vilna, an 18th-century Jewish scholar, created something called the Messiah clock.
Compared to many other prophecies, Eliyahu’s prediction is not difficult to understand.
3. Prediction of the prophet Nostredame
Michel de Nostredame, was a French astrologer, physician, and quite possibly the greatest prophet of all time. He was born in 1503, began writing prophecies in 1550, and created over
In a letter to his newborn son, Cesar, he briefly describes the end of the world, beginning with descriptions of a great flood.
He prophesied that it would be the year 8555. With many of Nostredame’s prophecies coming true, could that really be our end?
4. The Great Filter
This isn’t exactly an ancient prophecy, but one of the most interesting and terrifying doomsday theories is The Great Filter.
Why are we alone in an almost infinitely vast universe?
The Great Filter theory offers one possible answer: there must have been some force that wiped out all civilizations at some point, before they could explode out into the galaxy and colonize planets.
5. Death in sunlight
There are some `prophecies` about the end of the world that are completely based on science.
This process will most likely destroy our planet.