With the explosion of science and technology, humanity is gradually solving long-standing mysteries.
But actually there are still many mysteries that science has yet to answer, including things right next to us.
1. Until now, science still doesn’t know why we yawn
Everyone yawns, even yawns every day.
All solutions given are only at the hypothetical level.
In addition, yawning is contagious, and science still doesn’t understand why.
2. This type of mushroom only grows in 2 places in the world
The strange mushroom in the picture is called Chorioactis geaster, and it can only grow in Texas (USA) and Japan.
Both of the above locations are at the same latitude, but this is not enough to explain why they only grow permanently in two locations, and not elsewhere.
According to a 2014 study by Harvard University, this mushroom species split into two populations 19 million years ago.
3. The mystery of the humpback whale’s lifestyle
Humpback whales were once very solitary.
And science still cannot explain it.
Specifically, experts from the University of Pretoria discovered that humpback gorillas in the South African sea suddenly switched to hunting in groups of 20 – 200 fish in the past few years.
4. Dancing forest in Russia
In Russia, specifically the Kaliningrad region, there is a very strange forest called `Dancing Forest`.
This forest was planted in the 1960s. But the problem is that people just planted it without doing anything, and the tree’s body is so natural.
Some locals also call this `Drunken Forest`.
5. Cat’s purr
For a long time, the mechanism behind the cat’s characteristic `purring` sound has been a mystery.
However, the reason why they moan is still a mystery.
6. Mysterious hole in Siberia
This crater is called Patom, and is a mystery to the people of Siberia.
Patom was officially announced by Vadim Kolpakov – a Russian geologist in 1949, but actually dates back more than 500 years ago.
Reference: Science Alert