Last year, scientists at the California Institute of Technology proposed that there might actually be a ninth planet in the Solar System (because scientists had previously only recognized eight planets).
After the above discovery was announced, a series of similar discoveries were made related to finding new dwarf planets.
And so, our `little corner` in the vast universe suddenly becomes the busiest.
Researchers Kathryn Volk and Renu Malhotra at the University of Arizona have noticed some strange movements in the Kuiper belt… they believe these movements could be evidence of the existence of a second planet.
A little explanation: Kuiper belt objects are far enough away from the main bodies of the Solar System that the weight of the large planets has almost no effect on them.
Notably, if these predictions do not match up, there may be other planets (not just the Tenth), which are beyond our observation and whose gravity may be
It is quite close to Earth
The search for Planet Nine has led scientists to believe that it orbits the Sun at a distance of 700 AU (AU is an astronomical unit, 1AU is approximately 150 million km).
But Volk and Malhotra believe that the Tenth Planet could be much closer, because the orbits of Kuiper belt objects lie no more than 50 AU from the Sun.
However, other astronomers do not easily jump on this `idea ship` right away.
Because the Kuiper belt is so close, the discovery of additional objects will help support or refute this finding.
Refer to Sciencealert