As we know, Detective Conan Movie 24: The Scarlet Bullet – Detective Conan: The Red Bullet is set in Japan, which is in the rush to prepare for the World Sports Games (WSG) in Tokyo.
This is the movie where members of the FBI and Shuichi Akai appear.
Detective Conan Movie 24: The Scarlet Bullet has a monumental investment in image and sound for the movie’s scenes.
In particular, Detective Conan Movie 24: The Scarlet Bullet creates a highlight for the audience because the action scenes are pushed to a new level.
One praiseworthy point of Detective Conan Movie 24: The Scarlet Bullet is the film’s sound.
In addition to the main character Conan, Red Bullet also focuses on exploring more about Shuichi Akai and his mysterious Akai family.
Regarding the love element, in addition to the couple Ran and Shinichi, the audience will be especially impressed with the `comedy` couple Yumi and Shukichi, which the director appropriately integrated into the development of the case.
Another good thing about Detective Conan Movie 24: The Scarlet Bullet is that it is very suitable for audiences who cannot regularly follow the Conan series.
As expected, Detective Conan Movie 24: The Scarlet Bullet will officially be released on April 23, 2021 in Vietnam.