Former Chinese Ambassador to the US: Taiwan is a matter of survival 0Former Chinese Ambassador to the US: Taiwan is a matter of survival 0

(Dan Tri) – Former Chinese Ambassador to the US Cui Tiankai said that Taiwan is a `vital issue` for China’s security and Beijing continues to seek ways to unify the island by peaceful means.

Former Chinese Ambassador to the US Cui Tiankai (Photo: Business Insider).

`Taiwan is a matter of national sovereignty, territorial integrity and national unification. Therefore, this can be considered a matter of survival for China, with no room for concessions,` Mr. Cui Thien

The former Chinese diplomat emphasized: `This is a matter of survival for all Chinese people. Therefore, we need to be prepared to protect national sovereignty.`

China will continue to seek ways to unify Taiwan by peaceful means, he said, and as long as the One China principle is respected, `everything else is negotiable.`

However, he also warned of `limits` to how much Beijing could be provoked on the issue.

Taiwan was one of the important issues discussed in the November 15 meeting between US President Joe Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping in California.

At the meeting, Mr. Xi asked the US to stop selling weapons to Taiwan.

For his part, Mr. Biden affirmed that the US continues to support the `One China` policy.

China has always considered Taiwan an inseparable part of its territory and vowed to unify it at all costs, including by military means.

Although the United States does not have official relations with Taiwan, it still carries out arms sales and military support to the island.

Last week’s talks between Mr. Biden and Mr. Xi were one of the two sides’ efforts to ease tensions.

However, former Chinese Ambassador to the US Cui Tiankai said that the relationship between Beijing and Washington is `too complicated` and cannot be restored after just one conversation.

`I think the two countries may still be in the stage of redefining their relationship or finding the right way to treat each other in the future,` Mr. Cui said.

He further commented: `For such a complex relationship, perhaps we need more time to do this. The real strength of this relationship is that sooner or later, the two countries always find a way to overcome

Mr. Cui Tiankai was China’s Ambassador to the US from 2013 to 2021. With 8 years working in Washington, he is the Chinese diplomat with the longest working time in the US to help handle volatile relations.

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By Daniel

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