Minh Hang and Vietnamese beauties like to dress sexy when pregnant 1Minh Hang and Vietnamese beauties like to dress sexy when pregnant 1

(Dan Tri) – Minh Hang, Phuong Trinh Jolie and many female stars often choose dresses that flatter their curves and are not afraid to show off their pregnant bellies in front of the camera.

Do My Linh, Minh Hang, Nha Phuong, Mau Thuy, Phuong Trinh Jolie, Le Au Ngan Anh… pursue stylish, seductive fashion while pregnant.

Nha Phuong is pregnant for the second time.

Minh Hang and Vietnamese beauties like to dress sexy when pregnant

Nha Phuong promotes tight-fitting elastic dress designs, combined with skillful cuts.

Minh Hang and Vietnamese beauties like to dress sexy when pregnant

Le Au Ngan Anh is in the first months of pregnancy.

Minh Hang and Vietnamese beauties like to dress sexy when pregnant

Minh Hang welcomed her first son on August 23.

Minh Hang and Vietnamese beauties like to dress sexy when pregnant

Minh Hang took a photo series to commemorate her motherhood journey with a see-through dress that exposed her belly.

Minh Hang and Vietnamese beauties like to dress sexy when pregnant

Minh Hang shows off her bare shoulders in a strapless, strapless dress with a spacious silhouette.

Do My Linh gave birth to her first child in July. Miss Vietnam 2016 took a set of photos to celebrate her first motherhood with sexy outfits.

Do My Linh chose a see-through outfit on a nude fabric background to show off her seductive body (Photo: FBNV).

Miss Vietnam 2016 looked fresh and radiant throughout her pregnancy.

Phuong Trinh Jolie gave birth at the end of June.

Phuong Trinh Jolie wears a short halterneck shirt with a long skirt, showing off her sexy bust (Photo: @phuongtrinhjolie).

Mau Thuy gave birth to her first child in February. During her pregnancy, Mau Thuy gained a lot of weight.

Mau Thuy wears a crop top (short shirt) with low-rise pants.

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By Xavier

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