Israelis looked to buy food and went to shelters 0Israelis looked to buy food and went to shelters 0

(Dan Tri) – Jerusalem residents promptly took shelter in underground shelters when Iran launched an unprecedented series of air strikes with drones (UAVs) and missiles on Israel in the early morning of April 14.

Explosions lit up the Jerusalem sky during Iran’s attack on Israel at dawn on April 14 (Photo: AFP).

In the holy city of Jerusalem, sirens sounded everywhere as the skyline turned red from the attacks, while people stocked up on water, food and sought shelter.

`As you can see, the store is empty, everyone is rushing home,` said Eliyahu Barakat, 49, a grocery store owner in Jerusalem’s Mamilla neighborhood.

Mr. Barakat said many people flocked to his store to buy supplies.

Mr. Barakat’s store would not normally be open at this time, but is currently open because many people come to buy.

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) estimates that Iran has launched more than 200 UAVs, including killer UAVs, ballistic missiles and cruise missiles, targeting Israeli territory.

IDF spokesman Daniel Hagari warned people to be ready to seek shelter.

Mr. Michael Uzan, a 52-year-old dentist, said his family gathered at his father-in-law’s house for a reunion.

`There is no work tomorrow. Even meetings, everything is canceled. For children, schools are closed. I have a daughter who is supposed to take an important exam tomorrow

Northern Israelis are also preparing for sustained attacks.

Resident Summer Khalil, 52 years old, living in the village of Majd al-Krum in the Galilee said: `I’m really afraid of war, this is serious. If I hear sirens, I don’t know what to do.`

Meanwhile, according to CNN, the siren sounded around 1:42 am on April 14 local time in southern Israel, then spread throughout the country.

`I have never seen anything like this in the sky here,` a CNN reporter reported live at the scene from Jerusalem.

A resident of western Amman said: `At first we heard explosions in the distance. We looked out and it was like lights in the sky, flashing. We saw something.`

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By Grayson

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