`Vietnamese youth need to go to theaters to watch more movies` 3`Vietnamese youth need to go to theaters to watch more movies` 3

(Dan Tri) – That is the opinion of Mr. Jeremy Segay – Audiovisual Attaché for Southeast Asia of the French Embassy in Vietnam.

On the afternoon of November 16, the Ho Chi Minh City International Film Festival (HIFF) organized a workshop `Developing cinema into a cultural industry: Lessons from Korea and France`.

The program has the participation of Mr. Nguyen Tuan Kiet – Head of Art Department, Department of Culture and Sports of Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC Culture and Sports), Ms. Nguyen Thi Thanh Thuy – Deputy Director of Department of Culture and Sports of Ho Chi Minh City, Mr. Kim Dong Ho – Founder

At the conference, delegates gave presentations, outlining the current situation and solutions to develop the film industry in Ho Chi Minh City in particular and Vietnam in general.

Meritorious Artist Nguyen Thi Thanh Thuy – Deputy Director of Ho Chi Minh City Department of Culture and Information – spoke at the conference (Photo: Bich Phuong).

Ms. Thanh Thuy said the strategy for developing the cultural industry has been studied by the Ho Chi Minh City government for a long time.

In recent years, Ho Chi Minh City cinema has achieved remarkable achievements, many films have achieved revenue of hundreds of billions of dong, receiving special attention from the audience.

`Ho Chi Minh City is proud to be one of the cultural cradles of the country. The city has more than 17,000 businesses operating in the cultural field, including more than 100 film industry businesses and 31 theater complexes. Vietnamese Film

Besides, there are still problems challenging the filmmakers in terms of outlining specific goals and firm steps in the future so that cinema can become a cultural industry, making a major contribution to the city’s economy.

`Vietnamese youth need to go to theaters to watch more movies`

Scene from the movie `Mrs. Nu’s House` (Photo: Provided by the film crew).

In her presentation at the conference, Ms. Thanh Thuy stated a number of difficulties that Ho Chi Minh City cinema faces such as problems with the legal corridor, film distribution, copyright infringement, and rights protection.

In addition, how the State’s policy of socializing cinema needs to be developed and implemented is also something that the filmmakers need to seriously consider.

According to the Deputy Director of the Department of Culture and Sports of Ho Chi Minh City, the city’s cultural sector can implement solutions such as: Strengthening international cooperation and exchange, building unique cultural events such as the HOZO International Music Festival,

In addition, the city needs to invest in facilities and cultural institutions because there are no projects worthy of performing arts on an international scale.

Ms. Thuy also believes that the implementation of cinema laws and legal documents needs to be done more effectively, creating initiative, increasing responsibility, and exploiting the creativity of each locality.

The city’s film industry also needs to carry out support projects and invest more in young filmmakers.

`Vietnamese youth need to go to theaters to watch more movies`

Mr. Kim Dong Ho – founder of Busan International Film Festival (Korea) (Photo: Bich Phuong).

Mr. Kim Dong Ho – Honorary Chairman of HIFF – said that HIFF is an extremely important event.

When choosing works to show at the festival, you should choose many new works by young directors.

Speaking at the conference, Mr. Jeremy Segay also contributed many solutions from lessons from French cinema, thereby hoping that Ho Chi Minh City cinema can become a cultural industry.

`In the fields of art, cinema is the most important. I am impressed with many Vietnamese films released in theaters in recent years. The development of the Vietnamese film industry is also impressive, shown through numbers such as 2010 and 2010.

In the Southeast Asian market, Vietnamese films hold the largest market share.

According to Mr. Jeremy Segay, for cinema to develop, censorship needs to be implemented more flexibly.

`It is important to encourage young people to go to the cinema. Many schools in France encourage students to go to the cinema at least twice a year. I noticed that in Vietnam there are not many opportunities to watch old films.

I think there needs to be programs that honor cinematic heritage, re-showing old movies.

`Vietnamese youth need to go to theaters to watch more movies`

Representative of the HIFF Organizing Committee gave flowers to speakers and guests (Photo: Organizing Committee).

During the exchange session at the conference, director Nguyen Vinh Son also gave some comments.

The director believes that many Vietnamese films have good artistic quality, are recognized by experts, and win international awards, but still fail at the domestic box office.

`There are commercial film audiences and art film audiences everywhere, but the difference in Vietnam is too big. With HIFF this time, I believe this will be a resource to gradually close the difference. The festival will give the audience

This is also an opportunity for us to meet, exchange, and find resources to produce films according to our wishes.

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By Daniel

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