Approving the titles of Meritorious Artist and People's Artist: Many artists are disadvantaged and suffer injustice? 4Approving the titles of Meritorious Artist and People's Artist: Many artists are disadvantaged and suffer injustice? 4

(Dan Tri) – Awarding the title of artist is an `eternal story` but still causes controversy every review of Meritorious Artists and People’s Artists because of many inadequacies in criteria and regulations.

Controversy over title approval: Never ending

For many years now, the issue of awarding the title of Meritorious Artist and People’s Artist has always received the attention of experts and audiences.

This is the highest title awarded by the State to those involved in performing arts.

However, debates about criteria, application review procedures, or unfortunate cases of missed titles each time the review process becomes a matter of `I know, it’s painful, we keep talking` but never comes to an end.

To be awarded the title of People’s Artist, `King of Cai Luong` Minh Vuong went through an arduous journey (Photo: Character Facebook).

The audience believes that many senior artists who have made many contributions to art are not on the list.

During the 2016 award consideration, Meritorious Artist Minh Vuong, Meritorious Artist Thanh Tuan, Meritorious Artist Giang Chau… were removed from the People’s Artist approval list, surprising the audience.

In particular, it was the third time Minh Vuong was rejected from the title of People’s Artist after reaching the final levels.

Approving the titles of Meritorious Artist and People's Artist: Many artists are disadvantaged and suffer injustice?

The consideration for awarding the title of Meritorious Artist Do Ky has become the focus of attention in recent days (Photo: Toan Vu).

2022 is the 10th time awarding the title of Meritorious Artist and People’s Artist to artists.

Worth mentioning, the 2022 awarding period also causes suspense for experts and audiences because of its long… confusing time.

Recently, the story of Meritorious Artist Do Ky’s title award also became the focus of audience attention.

Because of problems related to the awarding of titles, Meritorious Artist Do Ky has sent a request for `consideration` to the competent authorities.

Achieving the title: arduous journey

The title is meant to honor the artist’s contributions, but the journey to get to the title is very arduous, with many complicated regulations.

The `conversion` of medals in the criteria for reviewing titles causes many inadequacies.

Many artists who have been active for a long time but have no (or few) medals are automatically `failed`.

There are many artists with medals and seniority, but are still eliminated from the review process simply because… not enough 80% of the votes.

Approving the titles of Meritorious Artist and People's Artist: Many artists are disadvantaged and suffer injustice?

Meritorious Artist Le Thien is one of the famous names in the field of Cai Luong (Photo: Screenshot).

The audience believes that Meritorious Artist Le Thien and Meritorious Artist Thanh Nguyet may not have enough achievements according to regulations, but have a long history of participating in art from 30 to 50 years, leaving a deep impression.

At that time, Meritorious Artist Thoai My once shared with Dan Tri reporters that she was quite sad when she was not on the list of 139 artists qualified to be considered for the title of People’s Artist.

`I intend to follow this profession until the end of my life, until I don’t stand on stage anymore. No matter what the title is, I think to be recognized by the audience is a great happiness.

There are also artists who have affirmed their expertise, long-term dedication and received the love of a large audience, but still do not have a title because… they did not file an application to `apply for a title`.

Approving the titles of Meritorious Artist and People's Artist: Many artists are disadvantaged and suffer injustice?

Meritorious Artist Thanh Loc (Photo: Personal Facebook).

Some artists hold theater management positions and do not have time to participate in theater festivals and competitions, so they do not have enough medals to consider for awards.

Meritorious Artist Thanh Loc stepped on stage when he was only 8 years old, has more than 50 years of dedication to art and is nicknamed `stage wizard`.

Experts assess that Thanh Loc should have been awarded People’s Artist a long time ago, before many People’s Artists have been awarded in recent years.

In an interview, Thanh Loc once expressed his opinion on the `ask – give` title mechanism: `I don’t like to have to apply to be a People’s Artist. Why do I have to apply?

This noble title must be approved, recognized, evaluated, and conferred by the Council itself.

Should we let the people and the audience vote?

An industry expert believes that truly noble and meaningful titles need to be recognized and voted for by the audience themselves, to avoid missing truly talented artists with many contributions.

The expert told Dan Tri reporter: `People’s Artist is the artist’s highest title. But this title is only valuable when it is measured by the love and recognition of the audience.

Reviewing documents and awarding titles to artistic talents is something that needs to be done in a fair and transparent manner in the cultural and arts management industry.

Talking to Dan Tri reporter, an anonymous Meritorious Artist with seniority in the profession said that many people in the industry cannot help but feel sad when receiving notice of failing the People’s Artist approval application.

This artist said: `It’s not right to say you’re not sad. But being sad doesn’t solve anything. I think if you continue to contribute through the work you do, the audience will automatically see.`

When asked about inadequacies in the approval criteria, the artist replied: `The issue of regulations to receive the title has been discussed for many years. I don’t want to say more because talking too much is not good. There are problems.`

When I failed the People’s Artist application, the state agency did not explain.

The anonymous artist said that after the failed review process, the artist acknowledged that `if I don’t deserve it, I won’t get it, anyone who understands it will understand`.

`I don’t need to file a petition for help or submit it to the authorities like some people are doing. When studying actor ethics, we are taught that the audience is the most important and loyal teacher. Success

I think letting the audience judge is best.

Some opinions believe that although the audience is the most honest judge of an artist’s contributions, in order to be considered for the title of artist based on public opinion, the audience is `infinite`.

Therefore, the State should still have special cases, or `softer` and more flexible criteria for awarding titles, to fairly recognize the efforts of art activists.

Regarding this issue, the anonymous artist told Dan Tri reporter: `God gave me innate artistic ability, so my goal is to use all my strength and ability to operate. I

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By Xavier

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