China warns US about `red lines` 0China warns US about `red lines` 0

(Dan Tri) – China’s Foreign Minister urged the US not to interfere in Beijing’s internal affairs or hinder Beijing’s development.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken meets Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi (right) in Beijing on April 26 (Photo: Reuters).

`China’s demands have always been consistent. China has always advocated mutual respect for core interests. The US should not interfere in China’s internal affairs, should not suppress development

Mr. Wang emphasized that China’s legitimate development rights are constantly being suppressed and the country’s core interests are being challenged.

Mr. Vuong also said that China-US relations are facing many obstacles.

`Under the leadership of the leaders of the two countries, China-US relations are generally stable, the two sides have enhanced dialogue, cooperation and positive aspects in many fields, recognized by the people of the two countries and the international community.

Secretary of State Blinken said that the two sides need to maintain `active diplomacy` to advance the agenda set by US President Joe Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping when the two leaders meet in San Francisco on

“There is no substitute for our stance on direct diplomacy,” Mr. Blinken said, saying he wanted to ensure that “we understand as clearly as possible the areas where we

Secretary of State Blinken will likely meet with President Xi Jinping today, before he returns to Washington in the evening.

According to experts, this visit to China by Secretary of State Blinken is the latest high-level contact between the two countries, aimed at easing the tension that brought bilateral relations to a historic low early last year.

Sources said that the topics Mr. Blinken discussed included the crisis in the Middle East, the war situation between Russia and Ukraine, and issues related to the Taiwan Strait and the East Sea.

The head of US diplomacy will also discuss the roadmap on three main issues agreed by President Biden and President Xi Jinping in their talks in November 2023, including cooperation on anti-drugs,

Washington and Beijing increasingly disagree over the activities of American companies in China, as well as over China’s exports and production capacity.

As soon as Mr. Blinken landed in Shanghai, US President Joe Biden signed a rare bipartisan bill that includes $8 billion to counter China’s military power, as well as billions of dollars in defense aid for

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By Martin

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