Russia poured out overwhelming firepower, seizing the opportunity when Ukraine was `thirsty` for ammunition 0Russia poured out overwhelming firepower, seizing the opportunity when Ukraine was `thirsty` for ammunition 0

(Dan Tri) – Taking advantage of the trickle of Western aid to Ukraine, Russia mobilized a group of `battlefield assassins` to increase firepower at Kiev’s positions across the front line.

A Ukrainian howitzer (Photo: Ukrainian Army).

When US aid to Ukraine dried up in late December and some Republicans repeatedly objected to a proposal to spend an additional $61 billion in aid to Kiev, Ukraine’s artillery batteries were the first to feel the

That’s because the United States is one of the largest donors of howitzers and rocket launchers as well as ammunition to Ukraine.

By the summer of 2023, the number of Ukrainian artillery shells fired was on par with, and even exceeded, Russia’s in some stages.

According to Forbes, this is when the Russian side is seizing the opportunity.

Meanwhile, Russia has increased its ammunition production machine since last year and now confidently sends powerful cannons to the front line, firing continuous rounds of bullets at the enemy.

Analysis team Frontelligence Insight has discovered trends in artillery engagement in 1,000km of frontline satellite imagery.

According to this group, in January alone, they recorded Russia carrying out 14 concentrations of forces and artillery aimed at Ukraine.

For example, Russia concentrated a cluster of nearly 20 embankments for artillery systems outside Lysychansk, about 10km from the front line in Lugansk.

A year ago, the Russians did not risk concentrating so many heavy weapons in so small an area so close to the front because they facedĀ the risk of being attacked by Ukrainian M777 artillery and HIMARS.

But with artillery and rocket ammunition dwindling, Ukraine’s military is saving its ammunition and missilesĀ for the most dire emergencies.

Thanks to that, Russia took advantage of the opportunity to attack Ukraine’s bases and strongholds, aiming to drain the enemy’s fighting force.

Ukraine is suffering the consequences of a lack of ammunition.

The biggest reason was that Russian artillery almost flattened the town, leaving Ukrainian units with nowhere to hide, leading them to withdraw from this stronghold.

Running out of artillery shells, Ukraine found a more creative way to use UAVs with explosives attached.

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By Eliana

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